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Understanding Yourself and Small Penis Humiliation


It has been a few weeks since my last blog. I have been really busy with my clients also processing deeper inner issues, which can take its toll emotionally. However, as I have said before the more I understand, and process within myself the more I am able to hold and help my clients process and understand themselves.

I have a lot of experience with a range of issues, from really vanilla to really dark, and nothing phases me. This, I believe is because I am able to hold and understand the darkness within myself, as we all have a dark side!!

I have uploaded my latest YouTu

be video, it is called Small Penis Humiliation

In this video I give an explanation of what small penis humiliation is.

I then give a psychological explanation of why men may have that sexual fetish and really get off on it.

If you are interested check it out on my channel Rosie Morrell Sex Therapist.

I have taken some pictures of the September 2022 full moon

which is the Harvest Moon. I found this very releasing to purge aspects of miss understood emotions that were holding me back. When you purge yourself of different emotional issues, at a sexual level this can help you have a deeper more fulfilling orgasm.

Any questions let me know, through email.

Lots of love,

Rosie xxx

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