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Everyone is God Political Party

I am the deputy leader of a Political Party in Great Britain. It is called Everyone is God. This is simply a term of empowerment as we believe everyone has the power inside of them selves to create the life they wish to lead. 

Empower Everyone, Solve Everything, Fulfileverydream


How does being a sex and relationship therapist relate to politics and being a deputy leader of  a Political Party? 

Sex is a very powerful and the most intimate act which ultimately creates life. You are forming all of your emotional motivational  beliefs about the world and yourself right from day one in the womb. This is not understood in society, politics is not driven by policy, it driven by humans, humans are driven by psychology and at the root of psychology is sex. Marcus (the leader of the party) and myself are compiling research into human sexual behaviour which is reavealing this truth. 

Please check out our Sex and Psychology Policy where you can read more of an explanation about it. 

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