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Yoga and the General Election


Welcome Happy New year.

It's been a while since my last blog I have been processing so much, with a lot of change that has happened.

In 2024 my partner Marcus and I both ran in the general election in the UK July 2024. We set up a new Political party called Everyone is God. We are both very passionate about the values and policies our party stands for and believe in fully empowering all people! However, to do this we would all need to go through a paradigm shift, and it would mean restructuring society from the ground up. Which is what we believe needs to happen for things to change and ultimately heal and be understood!

Running in the general election was one of the most empowering experience's I have ever done!!

At the moment I would run every time until the day I die! As I absolutely believe in what we stand for, so I know every time I vote I know EXACTLY what I am voting for, even if we never get in!

The whole experience, showing my truth and pushing boundaries, standing outside the House's of Parliament in my bikini really gave me a sense of what I am here for, to encourage all people to stand in their truth even if it doesn't meet convention!

At the later part of last year I became a qualified yoga teacher! I honestly did not expect to be saying this a year ago of even a few years ago!

I love yoga but only over the last year or so I found my connection with the power it yields. When you connect deeply with your body in a conscious way it enables great wisdom and a whole whealth of truth and abundance to be bestowed upon you! However, with abundance is EVERYTHING! Which means dark and light so Yoga can trigger deep insecurities within that could possibly be holding your whole well-being back from the truth of your empowerment!

This can be daunting and overwhelming, which is what I am processing!

Also, I have found teaching yoga connects you to another layer of this deep power which before we reach the power is a layer of insecurities that feels uncomfortable, yet it is enriching journey when you surrender to it!

As teaching something means you begin to resonate and understand it on a far deeper level! I feel honoured and humbled every time I lead a yoga class! I have only lead 3 so far, but each time it shows me a deeper aspect to myself at all levels!

I have been doing this at my local gym @Anyime fitness Dorchester, at the moment it's just covering classes when someone can't do it! But I really appreciate the experience!

The general message I feel to share with this blog is to surrender to where you are at! That is where your truth and ultimate power always lies!! Even if it's not quite where you want to be at time; remember everything is Divine and Perfect just like YOU!!!

Lots of love


Rosie xxxx❤️

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