Happy New Year everyone!
Welcoming in 2023 I am feeling it is more and more about being in the truth of who we are, and really learning to accept all parts of ourselves. Even the parts that feel taboo or that we do not want to accept out of fear of judgment or not being accepted into the society or culture we are living in.
I have recently uploaded a new YouTube video it is called the Power of being Submissive. I talk about how I feel personally very submissive, and how I feel deeply empowered by really surrendering to that fact. I also explain how in the past I perceived the word submissive with such negative connotations. In that it meant you were unable to stand up for yourself or what believed in and you were a passive person with no drive or leadership skills.
However, having really surrendered to this part of myself actually makes me feel more grounded and in control and actually enables me to take the lead in areas of my life where I feel more dominant in a balanced and grounded way, so it is the opposite of how I felt before.
I wanted to express this and really own it, as It has been deeply empowering for me and I wish to encourage other people to really own parts of themselves that they may have felt embarrassed or ashamed to share. As it really helps ground and connect with every part of yourself to feel whole, integral and that you are in full command of your of life.
If you have any questions about what I do or would like to set up a session please contact me.
Lots of Love Always,
Rosie xx