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Happy New Year 2024


Happy New Year! I feel 2024 is going to be a year of shift and different experience.

2023 was a powerful year for me. I experienced things I never would have anticipated before; they were sexual and deeply connecting. This opened me up to new knowledge and showed me different understanding in life.

Towards the latter part of 2023, I have become so connect to a woodland area. I find this place so enchanting, I feel completely safe and connected there. Although, there are times I connect to unknown parts of myself in the woods, this can feel eery, and slightly uncomfortable, but although I feel slightly unnerved by it sometimes; I welcome it and I enjoy the exploration of nature.

The wild the raw and the disinhibited aspects nature, has with the ferocious wind, pouring rain and harshness, I find if you allow yourself to connect with the raw weather it opens you to the rawness and disinhibited parts of yourself.

As always with everything I believe every aspect of your environment is a direct reflection of what you have going on inside of you. I feel when you allow the truth of that experience and surrender to it, it delivers you to far greater knowledge and intimacy with yourself and others.

I also believe sex creates us so it can be at the root of our issues in some form.

I am writing a book at the moment and plan to publish it by the end of the year, I will keep you updated.

My message for everyone is to allow yourself to be more aligned with your whole self, sexual and otherwise, do not be afraid of stepping into the disinhibition or eeriness of yourself, that is where you discover some of your most exciting and intimate loving parts of yourself.

Also Check out my Youtube Channel Rosie Morrel Sex Therapist and Rosie Morrell, I talk about some interesting things, whether porn is bad, and coprophilia and watersports amongst other things. Enjoy!

Enjoy some of my pics from the woods and I also love being glamourous too!

Happy New Year,


Rosie xx

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