Since my last post I have been pushing more boundaries within myself. Wanting to explore the endless avenues within, but in an external way. As I have said before I adore the woods, I feel deeply safe there and open although it can challenge insecurities within. I am deeply spiritual and I honestly don't think you can separate the spiritual from the psychological and understanding the truth of all aspects of human behaviour.
Something we all do as humans is go to the toilet, I have always found this very connecting, deeply humbling along-side very humiliating and disgusting.
I have recently listened to a podcast on YouTube about Scat; which is a fetish where people get turned on over pooing either smearing it over themselves during sex or even eating it. I personally do not find this at all arousing and it actually makes me feel sick the thought of doing any of those things. I have actually made my own YouTube video about this and urination and explaining the psychology behind it. It is called: #Golden-Showers,
#Coprophilia, #weeing or #pooing during #sex or it being arousing why??? On my Channel Rosie Morrell Sex Therapist.
However, there is a whole community out there that really enjoy it, and I believe that if they are following their truth then good for them and I do not judge it, it is just something that I personally would not like.
I did however find this podcast very inspiring; as the way the women describes the whole experience of pooing in front of someone then smearing it all over and enjoying it in sex; as deeply erotic and fundamentally connecting. As you are sharing your excrements in the most intimate way, so there is nothing left to hide between you both
This realisation I had while listening to the podcast made me feel slightly jealous that I can not go to that level not just with myself and my own poo, but with someone else. Even though I had this slight feeling of jealousy I no way want to explore it.
I just feel that it shows how if you can open yourself to deeply humbling experiences in a really intimate way you can access extreme connection.
This leads me on to my anal experience. So, I struggle with anal with my partner Marcus. However, I do love the feeling of it when I am in the mood, it feels slightly painful which can feel arousing as well. The anus is the opening to the kundalini, which is a deeply spiritual aspect within yourself, you can have kundalini awakenings through many different experiences.
While I was in the woods recently, I was in a place where it felt untouched by many humans for a while, slightly eery but also connecting. I had the intuition to use one of dildos to give myself anal it was also very cold as it was snowing slightly this made the whole experience deeply opening, exposing and raw. Feeling as though you break boundaries within yourself in a bit of an extreme way, opens you to aspects which you never knew existed and connects with fearless and deeper power in a humble way. I honestly felt my kundalini energy rise and that I was more connected to the world, the elements and nature. I made a video of the anal in the woods. it is on AdultWork if you are interested in watching under my profile RosieSexTherapist. It is called Cheeky anal in the woods.
My message for this blog is if you are struggling with some form of connection with a relationship, it is more often you are struggling with an aspect of yourself that you do not understand, sometimes it is about being brave and a bit fearless, following your heart and opening yourself to a new experience with yourself, to understand yourself. To then feel a deeper understanding and connection with others around you.
If you have any questions, about the way I work you can reach out through email.
Love Rosie xxx