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Ending Relationships


Welcome, it has been a while since I have updated my blog. I have had a lot of life events occurring and have made some major changes in my life.

I talk about some of the changes I have made in my latest YouTube Video “Doing the hardest thing can be the kindest and safest thing.”

In the video I explain how I have ended a lot of close relationships in my life. Including my blood relatives and close friends. (I am still with my partner Marcus.)

As I mention in previous blog’s I am constantly doing the inner work on myself in order to lead the most fulfilling life with high integrity, as I believe that is what leads to a life of abundance in all areas.

However, to have full integrity over yourself and your life it can mean that you have to make challenging choices, which can feel very hard and painful at the time, but in the long run can be better all round.

The majority of the relationships I have recently ended, have not been because the people were bad in anyway, in fact the opposite they were all lovely, it just felt like we were going on different paths, which meant I felt under pressure to fit in to past expectation of the person I used to be. It was putting them under pressure also. Which in long run can actually be a mild form of abuse to both parties as people are trying to be something they are not.

In our society it is not really encouraged to end relationships, if on the surface there are no major issues. In fact, I feel that we a taught to be governed by duty and loyalty to people due to longevity. Instead of accepting that people change, and maybe the most loving and healthy thing for everyone is to go on your separate paths.

In my role as a sex and relationship therapist, I work with a lot of men and there are a good portion of those men, who are married and come to me saying: their wives are not giving them the sex they want, and they are paying for escorts or cam girls in secret. However, it often transpires that they don’t want to get a divorce as there are complications like children and finances involved.

Occasionally, these men will also say: “everything else is good in our marriage, it’s just in the bedroom”, and that is another reason why they do not want to leave the marriage. If you are one of theses men, please do not feel offended, I am simply trying to help, by offering an alternative view.

In my view and according to the research I have done. When you are maintaining a relationship where you cannot be your full self or you have secrets, this actually creates other problems in your life for example: health issues, work or financial etc… as you are not being 100% with the closest person or people to you (this includes friends). Therefore, you are saying I am not worth 100%, as you are holding back parts of yourself from those people, but still choosing to maintain a relationship with them.

I know ending relationships, or speaking your full truth in a relationship can feel very daunting and challenging. However, from my experience where I have ended a whole range of different relationships: including long-term romantic relationships where a mortgage and marriage plans have been involved, to close blood relatives and really close lifelong friends. I feel at the age of 38, where I have no blood relatives or friends in my life (a part from my partner Marcus and his daughter) the truest and liberated I have ever felt in my whole adult life. Some food for thought if you are struggling in any relationship.

I have taken some photo’s of being out, on some of the walks I have been on near where I live enjoy!!

Thank you for your interest, if you have any interest in what I do you can contact me.

Wishing you all well,

Lots of Love,

Rosie xxx

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