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Clearing the clutter


Updated: Oct 25, 2021

Hi Guys,

Hope you're all keeping ok?

I've been enjoying the lovely sunshine today, on a walk, near where Marcus lives it's beautiful.

So over the past week, I have decided to have a clear out of clutter. It felt good but also triggered some insecurities that went back to my childhood. Having being brought up with hoarders along with financial deprivation. I have made a youtube video about it, it's on my channel Rosie Morrell.

Whilst making the youtube video, I show the inside of my bedroom and cupboard. The cupboard isn't very organised with the way everything is stored, and as I show this on the video. I'm feeling a bit ashamed of myself for having it in such a way, and showing it on such a public platform. I don't actually say this however I begin to start coughing on the video.

Although, I am pleased I have published it as I really believe it's important to be honest and transparent with yourself and all people. As I really don't believe it is good to hide in shame behind closed doors, over things that you feel "triggered" by or that you feel may not fit into the "norms" of society.

So, my issues are linked with organisation and low self-esteem, however I see this also benefits me in the work I do, as I see things differently perhaps from others, which means I am open to working with all sorts of issues sexual and otherwise.

Sexual issues can be so taboo, as in our society we find even talking about sex in certain context uncomfortable. So if we have any unusual fantasies or fetish's it can cause us to feel shame or even like an outcast. I have said this before but I believe we all have issues we are uncomfortable with, either really "dark" or maybe just a bit "different" to the "norm".

It's important to be brave and have pride in your issues as that way you can feel whole. Also if your issues are sexually related the more you embrace it in a way that is safe but with pride, over what you are doing, the deeper your orgasim or release will be! As you are not trying to hide it any more.

Have a good week guys, speak soon!

Always be true to yourself and your desires!

Lots of love

Rosie xxxxx

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